Name the Docks Project - Amaizink Art and Design

Name the Docks Project

Hey 👋🏾 it’s been a while! I just wanted to share another arts project I’m apart of! One of my goals as a freelancer/ artrepenuer is to take part in helping others and be more actively involved in public arts projects. I’m working U.K. artist Joshua Sofaer the City of Sacramento and West Sacramento, to invite everyone to take part in this new public arts projects!

More info: @namethedocks 

Everyone in the Sacramento area can put in their thoughts and feels on this project! Judges of this event are all local artist and activist of Sacramento.

If you could name a public landmark after some one who deserves public dedication, whom would you choose? Who is special to you? You can even nominate yourself!

⁣About the Project: 
Created by Joshua Sofaer, the River Crossing project invites individuals to nominate someone to be commemorated by having the public dock in Sacramento or West Sacramento named after them.

During the nomination period from May 25, 2019 - July 10, 2019, myself and a number of other community members are giving our time as Volunteer Art Ambassadors to spread the word about the project and encourage residents from both cities to make nominations.

Here’s a link to submit your person they can be unique or extraordinarily ordinary !

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